ABOUT ME image

I was recognized as a magnetist when I was 18

Following difficulties encountered with certain patients and with other practitioners, I was advised to follow a training course that I freely chose

I started with the magnetism
At first, I worked on myself and this led me to take an interest in Lithotherapy
I learned to do magnetism sessions, to take the pain of people without thinking about myself. protect.
For the first 6 months, I was exhausted at the end of each session

. Later, I met a person who also practiced magnetism.
We discussed together and she advised me to orient myself towards Lithotherapy
This is how I learned to use stones to protect myself, to recover energy, to purify myself, little by little, by increasing the number of stones.
For example, I used Black Tourmaline to deepen my anchorage which was too weak at the beginning

I also discovered simple dowsing, the art of the pendulum of calculations, of probabilities, which is different from the art of the pendulum divination.
During a two-day course, the trainer noticed that I was very strong and wanted to give me the full training.
This is how I learned to clear harmful energies, harmful memories

I also learned Geobiology to clean a house at the energy level
During a work of cleaning harmful memories, it happened to me without knowing it to make a disenchantment. Following this, I met a priest to have me cleansed and then I was given instructions to become a ferryman of souls.
This required me to get closer to the church to be recognized.

Currently, I am very much in demand for disenchantments. I also use the radionic graphics of the Servranx brothers.
Sometimes I even make my own graphics Recently, I trained in the field of angels and archangels, quantum energy

I also became interested in meditation

Now I am able to teach each of these practices